We are at your disposal to provide you with information about our production process, the history of our wines, and to answer any other questions you may have.

Tanorè is the name of our brand
Tano and Giovanna toiled up these hills, and they devoted particular care to their cattle, especially reared for milk, until, in the 1980s, they decided, as reluctantly as many of their peers and friends, to close the cowshed down. The challenging goal was giving impulse and impetus to a renewed viticulture: tilling our uphill vineyards – “rive” – according to traditional practices, and employing modern wine-producing methods, thanks to the innovation brought about by ourselves, youngsters back then, and better connoisseurs of up-to-date oenological procedures.

Tano belonged to that generation, was one of them – a good, sturdy man, so the other villagers, following the picturesque habit of handing out nicknames, called him, with deferential recognition, “Re”- Italian for ‘King’ – hence our evocative TanoRè.
Friends. Guests. Customers.